

An snippet from this afternoon:

Good bye Quebec!


We thought we were zipping right along; the road was rough but the girls were sleeping , we were listening to some music and had only about an hour left to go in the day before arriving at our

Hello New Brunswick!

friends Jeff and Jenny’s house.  Then, bam!, in the few seconds it took to stop we were on the rim of one of the trailer tires.








So now we are hanging out on this lovely mountainous, pot-holey, remote New Brunswick highway. That is to say, the three girls are hanging out while Dan changes the tire. And the black flies are so bad that they swarm each time the door is opened.

What a man!

We made it safely to our friends little town by the ocean.

First glimpse of the ocean for our girls

Aneliese and Molly

I think they may be in love with the sea already!